Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2

Script used:

In our film we have used a young teenage girl to be the murderous stalker, using a girl made the theme of jealousy more believable as I think that girls commonly get more jealous than boys, there is examples of this in the media with the teen pop star Justin Bieber and the so called ‘Bieber fever’. Therefore we displayed her obsession to the extent she wants to kill all the females Chris has been in contact with. Our film complies with the male gaze theory to the extent we use high angle shots on Katie making her look vulnerable. However, we do not make the camera see Katie as a sexual object which is the main aim in Laura Mulvey’s male gaze theory. This is because she is a young girl and because she is the antagonist.

The representation of men in our film implies that young men are innocent and oblivious, as Chris has split up with Katie and he does not realise how much he has upset her. Also in the opening we do not have a reaction shot implying what Chris is thinking about the murder, then having the close up of shot with Katie saying ‘You’re next baby’ makes him look vulnerable because the audience do not see if he is aware or not.

The use of age in our film displays how attached teenagers can get, for example some teenagers get extremely obsessed with celebrities but we used an ex-boyfriend so that the audience can relate with the horror film. We did this because Denis McQuail explains in his theory of Uses and Gratifications that one of the audiences needs is to be able to identify with the characters. Also in the horror genre when the audience can relate with the characters they will be more scared. However, we have made it clear that not all female teenagers are obsessed with someone because Annie and the other females are not obsessive and controlling.

We had Katie as a lower class child; we showed this by not showing her home or family. Also her clothes were simple and unfashionable highlighting that she does not have enough money to buy new clothes. Chris and Annie on the other hand have fashionable clothing including jeans, and smart winter coats this shows that they are middle class. These representations could then lead to the audience thinking working class females are vicious and isolated because Katie is only seen in the forest where she plots revenge.

I think in some ways we have stuck to stereotypes for example the obsessed teenage girl stereotype. However, we have put our twist on it as it’s not a celebrity. Also some audience members may believe that we have used the ‘blonde bimbo’ stereotype as Annie is blonde and she is Chris’s new girlfriend and she is first to be killed making her look like an easy target.

But apart from that we haven’t stuck to the stereotypes of ‘innocent girl’ and ‘male killer’. We felt that it was typical to have the young girl to be stalked by a creepy man and have lots of girly high pitched screams but instead we went against those stereotypes to give the film a complete twist. Unlike Scream.

As the main part is the female and for once in a horror film she is the antagonist I think this would encourage more females to see the film as it would not worry them as it’s more intriguing to watch an unusual storyline.

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