Friday 8 January 2010

Casting and Auditions

Before the auditions I created a section on the blog about what we would imagine the character Katie to be like, I found a picture that suits how Katie would look and also put that on the blog.

To see this section go to the group blog.

For the auditions I made the script and then asked Sophie and Hazel to check it and tell me where it could be changed.

To see the script see the group blog.

For the auditions I also created a poster to be placed around the school to encourage people to come and audition.
We mainly had drama students who auditioned which was good as they felt comfortable perfoming.
We held the auditions one lunch time and interviewed 3 boys and 3 girls all three members of the group were at the auditions.

To see the auditions film go to group blog.

After the auditions we watched the auditions back as a group and decided who would play Katie and Mr Jones then selected the rest of the auditionees to play the minor characters. We then took pictures of each member of the cast and Sophie wrote information on each actor.

To see this go to group blog.

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