Saturday 9 January 2010

Improving the Similar Media works profile

We got feedback on our Similar media works profile and I went back and improved it by adding images and print screens from movies.
To see this go onto the group blog.

Friday 8 January 2010


Together as a group we went out in one of our media lessons to find fields and alley ways that we could use in our film and also places in the school that we could use. All of the group were there when we took pictures of the first 4 pictures which are seen on the group blog then Hazel took the other pictures and wrote about them.

This can be seen on the group blog.


I created a page on props, I went into depth of the Knife because it has to be realistic for example it has to be a knife that a school girl could get hold of and also a knife that murder someone so I took pictures of knives that are found at home so then we can choose what one looks most threatening.

I also made a small list of other props that will be seen in the film.

To see this go to the group blog.


For costume I created a page on what we would expect our characters to wear. I took pictures of clothes that could be used in our film also.

To see the pictures and information about the costume go to group blog.

Casting and Auditions

Before the auditions I created a section on the blog about what we would imagine the character Katie to be like, I found a picture that suits how Katie would look and also put that on the blog.

To see this section go to the group blog.

For the auditions I made the script and then asked Sophie and Hazel to check it and tell me where it could be changed.

To see the script see the group blog.

For the auditions I also created a poster to be placed around the school to encourage people to come and audition.
We mainly had drama students who auditioned which was good as they felt comfortable perfoming.
We held the auditions one lunch time and interviewed 3 boys and 3 girls all three members of the group were at the auditions.

To see the auditions film go to group blog.

After the auditions we watched the auditions back as a group and decided who would play Katie and Mr Jones then selected the rest of the auditionees to play the minor characters. We then took pictures of each member of the cast and Sophie wrote information on each actor.

To see this go to group blog.

Similar Media Works Profile

For this task we decided that it would be hard to sit down and do every page as a group so we worked out based on how much information each page had a suitable number of pages each to complete then when we had all done our pages we put the profile together.

I did slides 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11.

The Similar Media Works Profile will help me when creating our film because it has helped me see what shots are often used in horror films and include them in our own film also it has helped me to see what typical horror conventions are and what symbols and props are used so then we can use them in our own film to make the film more believable and professional.

To see the Similar Media Works Profile go to the group blog.

Target Audience Profile

Each member of the group researched in a different way to find out more about what type of audience would watch our film.

I researched by creating a target audience questionnaire, I got 11 responses from a variety of different people. This then helped me see what type of film different genders and ages preferred then I could clearly see who would be interested in our film.

You can see my questionnaire on the group blog and information about my results I gained from doing the questionnaire.

Then for the Targer Audience Profile we all did some each from looking at what we had found out from researching and included that in the profile.

To see the Target Audience Profile go to the group blog.


After sitting down with the group and deciding what our final idea for our horror film would be we had to create a storyboard. At first we spent a lesson discussing possible scenes and ideas for the film. We then started to hand draw some scenes and then next lesson we took a camera out and went to take pictures of the scenes to create our storyboard.
The pictures up to shot 19 were taken by all of the group then after then after that shot the pictures were taken by me and Hazel. Once we had then got all of our pictures Sophie put together the pages up to shot 19 then I put the rest of the storyboard together after shot 19.

To see the storyboard and the animatic storyboard please go to the group blog.

Initial Ideas

As a group we sat down and created a mind map of initial ideas for our horror film. Overall we all had pretty much thought of the same amount of ideas as each other so we worked well as a group on this task.

It was quite hard to just think of a story that would be scary and clever but I thought of things that could be seen as creepy and scary for example I think children in horror films gives that extra creepiness as children are meant to be innocent and pure. One of my ideas was about a women who could not have children and turned mad by becoming extremely jealous of other women and their children, the story would show her going mad by her collecting toys and dummies from the street then end up as a serious murderous character.

I also tried to think of a horror film which had a sci-fi type feel just so we had a range of ideas, I had an idea that all children born on Friday the 13th of 2013 turn evil on their 13th birthday, the story would then had an in-depth investigation displaying what caused the children to turn evil. However as a group we thought this idea would be hard to make serious and genuinely scary so we looked into a story which could actually happen in real life so we could make people worried that it could happen to them. This is when we decided to look at stalking and created ideas based around that.

To see the full initial ideas mind map go to the group blog.